
a multi | faceted portfolio

Winter Shawl

12 Jan 2017

For a good while now I’ve been quite remiss when it comes to documenting my work. Not keeping projects updated on Ravelry, not even taking more than a few ‘grammable shots during development (let alone finished photos).

This shawl was started July 2016 and finished December 2016. A slow knit, in part just due to limited time, but also stitch count and that thing that happens when you design a pattern on the fly. This is a one off (I did not write a pattern, nor do I plan to), as it was a special gift. The eagle-eyed among you might notice a curious fact about the construction if you look closely.

Yarn is custom-plied Terra lace weight (100% domestic merino) from Lydia at Abundant Earth Fiber, spun on Whidbey Island. This was a dream to work with - lovely body, good texture, and washed like a dream. I can only recommend their yarn with the greatest enthusiasm!

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